Our prices
We try our very best to calculate good prices for our customer.
For most replacement parts we add a usual profit margin to our suppliers prices, like all trade business do.
But some of our prices may look a little bit expensive at the first look , e.g. if you buy a set of 4 screws, but please note:
– Many of our items are very special, some are old fashioned and hard to find in original vintage style. This requires a lot of search.
– Some of our reproductions require a moulding, which we have to pay in advance, and which often cost several thousand euros.
– Some of our reproductions are made by hand in small quantities and often require several manufacturing steps, which takes time.
– Each price includes cardboard box and wrapping from our staff, which we have to pay.
– We do not charge minimum quantity surcharge!
– We do free support for your projects (which is a lot of effort, but I like it).
– If several customer ask for something we don’t have listed, we try to find it to list it at the shop.
All our prices are inclusive of the following costs, such as:
Fees for PayPal, Stripe and Bank transaction, cost for website hosting, online shop web services, telephone (landline and mobil), business premises, cost for tax consultant, heating costs, electricity costs, statutory social security contributions for our employees including the pension insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance, health funds, the statutory accident insurance (BG), the proportionate tax on mineral oil, the pro rata electricity tax, the motor vehicle tax and the proportionate insurance tax for our service vehicle, public liability insurance, compulsory contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, account maintenance fees, trade tax, and and and ….
and all this in addition to normal operating expenses of a business such as payroll Employees (above the minimum wage) and the payment of the material bought from manufacturers and suppliers!